Diffuser-Flower Garden


Transform any space into a blooming paradise with the Flower Garden 2oz diffuser. Ideal for cars, small rooms, or office spaces, this diffuser fills the air with a beautiful, refreshing floral fragrance that brings the essence of a garden to you.

The Flower Garden fragrance is a delightful bouquet of fresh blooms, capturing the essence of a vibrant garden in full bloom. It’s a harmonious blend of delicate floral notes that evoke the scent of freshly picked flowers, creating a peaceful and uplifting atmosphere.



Product details:

  • Made in United States
  •  Weight: 2 oz (56.7 g)
  • Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1.5 in (2.5 x 2.5 x 3.8 cm)
  • Lasts for 30-60+ days depending on how often the scent is refreshed